Original Artwork by Jade Kozlowski-Goetz

Jade Kozlowski-Goetz was born and raised in Wisconsin, resided in Phoenix, Arizona for several years, and has recently returned to the Wisconsin Dells area with her family. Whether it’s the lush, green landscape of the upper Midwest or the picturesque mountains and sunsets of the desert Southwest, Jade is greatly inspired by her environment and is continually exploring the world around her.
Jade’s mother, an incredible artist in her own right, first introduced Jade to art at a very early age. She credits her creative passion to the encouragement and support of both her family and an amazing art teacher during her adolescent years. More recently, her son has shown her how to slow down and see beauty in even the simplest of things. Jade believes that this mix of personal encouragement, formal training, and child-like curiosity has helped develop her style into what it is today.
Though Jade still gets out the oil pastels or the sewing machine from time to time, her current emphasis lies in painting and photography. Working mostly in acrylics, Jade feels she is able to better control her artwork by maintaining the brilliant colors and beautiful shapes of her pop and geometric inspired pieces.